
Expand Machinery

CNC Manufacturer

High Impact Branding and Website for Metal Machinery Company

As the design & marketing support for Expand Machinery, we've helped shape the branding over the years when it started as Ganesh Machinery. To transition to the new name & brand, we built the full brand suite which includes the logo, stationary & business materials, a responsive website and more.

Machine Logo and branding

The logo mark was designed to have a sense of action with the diagonal lines and also carry etched qualities with how the corners are angled; mimicking a CNC machine's etching.

Responsive Website design

The general website needed to be easy to use and be meticulously organized due to the large number of listed machine products and specifications. This website needed to be something that could grow with them as they increased their product offerings. 

In 2021, we were tasked with adding in a separate website that focuses solely on replacement machine parts. This site included pictures and specifications, there are over 5,000 individual parts.

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Catalogs & Printed Collateral
Physical catalogs are still a necessity for the sales team. We converted the online product pages into a physical catalog for the sales team to take with them on the go.
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Event printing and merchandise
We support Expand with graphics for all trade-shows and banners along with merchandise for purchase through their website. What started out as appreciation gifts has now grown to expand their revenue stream.
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Expand Machinery

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